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When will PRF stop providing professional liability coverage?
Effective January 1, 2021 PRF will stop renewing or issuing new policies. PRF has worked diligently to form a relationship with MIEC so that you will not experience a lapse in coverage. Please contact MIEC immediately to convert your policy.
Will I need to purchase a tail?
Since the coverage you received from PRF is occurrence-based, you will be covered INDEFINITELY and will not need to purchase tail coverage. Any incident that occurs during your PRF policy period is 100% covered regardless of when the claim is asserted.
How much will my insurance coverage with MIEC cost?
You will be contacted by MIEC in the next few days with a quote or you can contact MIEC Underwriting directly at: Telephone 800-227-4527[SS1] Email info@miec.com
Kelly Liebert – KellyL@miec.com Wesley Butler- WesleyB@miec.com
Will the PRF office be closed? How can I contact PRF?
PRF will continue to operate as a risk retention group, with the same staff, managing claims arising under the policies that have been issued. You can contact us at:
Mailing: Telephone: E-Mail:
3 Harbor Drive. (415) 332-3041 Info@PRFRRG.com
Sausalito, CA 94904 Fax: (415) 332-3243
How can I get access to my PRF coverage information and claims history?
You can contact the PRF staff via US mail, phone, fax or email at the address listed above.
Who do I contact if I need to report a claim?
If the incident or claim occurred during your coverage period at PRF, you should contact the PRF staff at the above address. The PRF staff will guide you through the process and help assign an attorney to your case if needed.
Who do I contact if I receive a 90-day notice or a subpoena for medical records?
If the incident occurred during your coverage period at PRF, you should contact the PRF office at the above address for assistance with any notices, subpoenas or other documents you have questions about.
[SS1]Check to see if MIEC establishes a new dedicated line